Tag: Miramont Castle Museum

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pikes peak purple sunrise
The Ute and Pikes Peak

Long before the towering fourteener west of Colorado Springs was referred to as Pikes Peak, it was known as Tavá Kaa-vi — the Sun Mountain.

adventures out west zip line girl
Awesome Ziplines Around Colorado Springs

If ziplines are your jam, we have some of the coolest ziplines you ever seen. The natural terrain of Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak Region lends itself to epic high flying adventure.

Garden of the Gods Dog
Travel Tips for Colorado Springs

We’ve collaborated here at Pikes Peak Region Attractions and created a list of tips for getting the most out of your Colorado Springs vacation.

Historic Photo of Pikes Peak from the Catamount Reservoirs
Elevation of Pikes Peak

For more than 150 years, a spirited discussion has reigned about Pikes Peak and the official elevation, 14,115ft.

Historic photo of a donkey at Seven Falls
History of Seven Falls

One of Colorado Springs’ earliest tourist destinations, Seven Falls has been wowing visitors for over 135 years!

Why can it be so stressful to plan something that’s supposed to be so much fun? We get it. That’s why ordering your FREE vacation planner to Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak region is like having your own travel planner on speed dial.